
Collective Bargaining and Organisational Effectiveness in Nigerian State Owned Enterprises

Collective Bargaining and Organisational Effectiveness in Nigerian State Owned Enterprises


Collective Bargaining and Organisational Effectiveness in Nigerian State Owned Enterprises


Abstract of Collective Bargaining and Organisational Effectiveness in Nigerian State Owned Enterprises

This research was an attempt to examine “Collective Bargaining and organizational Effectiveness in Nigeria state owned Enterprises” a case study of Lagos printing corporation. However, the objectives of this study amongst others includes, examining Collective Bargaining as a process of achieving industrial peace when considered along the line of it’s needs and penetration into management, extent of workers participation, industrial discount, functions of bargainers, power of bargainers, values of bargainers and third party involvement.


The methodology used involved collections of data through primary and secondary sources. While, Eighty-three (83) structured questionnaires  were administered on members of Lagos printing corporation. But only sixty-six (66) responses were returned. data generated were analyzed through percentages and the use of chi-square statistical method.

The findings of the study also look at the organizational effectiveness from the point of view of it’s sets purpose and the extent of which the purpose has  been achieved. This will encompass the group of people who make use of the organization’s resources through the process of planning, organizing, controlling, co-ordinating and directing to attain the states organizational goals.

Also, information management departments should be created in all branches so as to improve efficiency and the department so created should not be made to be an affiliate of any other department.


Chapter One of Collective Bargaining and Organisational Effectiveness in Nigerian State Owned Enterprises



Collective bargaining is a process in which the employer Or group of employers and workers representatives or workers Union arrives at or attempt to arrive at a collective agreement.

Impact of collective bargaining can also be defined as a Negotiation of working conditions and terms of employment Between employers, a group of employers or one or more Employers’ organization on the other with a view to reaching Agreement ( Ilo, 1996, pg 656).

It’s also refers to as the negotiation between employer parties and Trade unions in order to determine terms and conditions of work and all other aspects and issues arising from the employment relationship ( Vettoris M-S 2005).

This is done by direct negotiation by the player’s management, Union representatives and government. Researching agreement is perhaps what makes negotiation equal to Bargaining. Otherwise when negotiations go on endlessly without Concrete agreement no bargaining could be said to have been Struck ( Shola .F. 2007 pg 167).

The issues involved in impact of collective bargaining includes, ensuring the presence and maintenance of Peaceful industrial atmosphere which is a necessary pre-requisite For the continued growth and process of enterprise, it provides a System of establishing conditions of employment, it provide means by which workers are represented in decisions affecting their interest, it also represents the democratic or participative Ingredient necessary to any good work setting.

The Variances in the aspiration of management  and desires of Workers which results in conflict are the rescue of two parties attempting to maximize the benefit desirables from each other. While the workers want the management that would recognize it Contribution to the organization. It tries as much as possible to Concede the seniority and leadership of management. This is Because the workers perception of their position is quite different from the way management sees them. Where management succeeds in recognizing these expectation there is generally some harmonious relationship but if otherwise, workers reaction is naturally negative because they feel disappointed and demonstrated.

Effects  of collective bargaining has been misconstrued by some managers with the result that very low attention is given to it. Such managers believe that the industrial unions are only Interested in discussing proposals and demand put forward by the union rather than contributing to the development and growth of The organization.

This misconception portray the unions as trouble makes confussionist, desrupters of peace and those who rejoice by creating a situation of Anarchy: Leading to disrupt, hatred, bitterness, disrespect and antipathy.

Following the wrong notion of industrial relations, some industrial relation personnel are usually not objective in their assessment of proposals made to the management by industrial unions. As a result, industrial unrest might be kindled by irresponsible or careless management utterances or over-zealous interpretation of rules.

From the foregoing, impact of collective bargaining is expected to Have a reciprocal effect resulting from the collective agreement should normally be added incentives for the individuals and every Strata of the work group in achieving maximum efficiency for the Organization. For an organization to be effective, the objectives of employee and that of organization must not conflict. Once this is achieved it would not be difficult to put in place whatever measure that could lead to organizational effectiveness.

A good organization should have well segmented system of works that allows for direction and creativity. Checks methods should also be introduced in order to ensure that performance is in consonance with the organizational Objectives.

This project therefore examines the effectt of collective bargaining and organizational effectiveness.


These problems of effect of collective bargaining on organization effectiveness are issues that bothered all actors in the collective bargaining process management union and government over the years.

This study project trend the effect of collective bargaining on organizational effectiveness. Arising from the foregoing are the problems as follows:

·        Management resentment to union activities

·        Under-utilization of Technocrats.

·        Union participation in company’s decision making is either not allowed or very low

·        Labor turnover within the rank and file of organization due to low morale.

·         Main job attitudes.


To be able to clearly evaluate the effect of impact of collective bargaining on organizational effectiveness, the following questions are imperative:

i.        What are the actions that could be taken in order to incorporate in organizational policies union   participation in decision making?

ii.      In what ways can a change of attitude by workers union oversee to management control and conflict handling methods?

iii.    To what extent have inadequate provision of equipment, incentiveness and lack of clear objectives enhance labour turnover?

iv.   In What ways can theory which stipulates that people are last, unambitious, prefer to be  directed and avoid responsibility be said to be true of job attitude of workers?

v.     Does the level of technology in development of new products process material and services make for adequate utilization of technocratic?



HO:      There is no significant relationship between impacts of collective bargaining on organizational effectiveness.

H1:      There is significant relationship between impact of collective bargaining on organizational effectiveness .


Ho:     There is no significant relationship between impact of collective bargaining and performance appraisal.

H1:      There is significant relationship between impact of collective bargaining and performance appraisal.