
Extent of Home Economics Literacy Possessed by Junior Secondary School Science Teachers

Extent of Home Economics Literacy Possessed by Junior Secondary School Science Teachers


Extent of Home Economics Literacy Possessed by Junior Secondary School Science Teachers


Abstract of Extent of Home Economics Literacy Possessed by Junior Secondary School Science Teachers

There is a need for everybody to be computer literate in the society, and this made us to carry out this project work titled the extent of computer literacy possessed by junior secondary science teachers in Enugu education zone. We have five research designs and the area of the study is Enugu education zone. Simple random sampling was used. The sampleĀ of the study is made up of 10 schools selected at random from the 27 existing schools in the zone. 50 teachers were selected from the 150 teachers in the zone, that is, 5 teachers from each of the 10 schools sampled.


The main instrument for data collection was questionnaire. The instrument was structured according to strongly agree, agree, disagreed and strongly disagreed. In our study, we find out that the teachers still have along way to go in the world of computer.