Technology Innovations for Growth of Smes in Nigeria the Role of Management
Chapter One of Technology Innovations for Growth of Smes in Nigeria the Role of Management
Technology is a systematic application of physical forces for production of goods and services. The knowledge used in practical ways in industry (Oxford 2005). It is the knowledge, process, tools, methods and systems employed in the creation of goods and improving in services. Technology is the result of man’s learned and acquired knowledge or his technical skills regarding how to do things well (Khalil, 2000). Technological innovation provides the life-blood of economic activities. Technological innovation is a tool for economic growth and the application of those inventions to meet emerging business opportunities, and to meet social needs, and environmental challenges.
For any organization to be able to compete, it must be technologically innovative. Technological innovation and core competitiveness enjoy symbiotic relationship (Prhanlad & Hamel, 1990). Technological Innovation Capability (T.I.C) is an important component of the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, and core competitiveness play a role in promoting or influencing technological innovation. Technology should be so designed to be able to match the marketing capability of the organization and be seen as reflecting in the strategic plan of the firm and its overall success.