A Critical Appraisal of Bank Customer Relationship
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Abstract on A Critical Appraisal of Bank Customer Relationship
The major problem that has been working against the good Banker – customer relationship in the bank is that of rather lax attitude of the Bank staff of the bank. This is as reflected in the behaviour our of bank cashier to the customers of their employers, it is almost daily. Occurrence to her abuses flowing from bank staff to their customers and vice – vasa over the protracted delay in completing simple bank transaction. Put tersely, the problem it that of poor human relationship in the bank. The causes of this include the fact that the bankers did not present themselves as business partner. Rather, it was a master servant relationship. The long hour spent by customers waiting either to deposit or to withdraw funds or cash cheques attest to this.
However, in order to curb this ugly situation in the bank effective human relatives should get the attention of the bank. The bank should strive hard to prepare their front office personal by way training in human psychology so as to satisfy the various shades of human temperament. They come across everybody of operation.
These people include: cashier, receptionist teller accountants, security men and even managers should be versed in human relations.
Computerization of banking operation should be embraced by the bank to ease such operation and reduce the much complained about delayed in all spheres of the banks operation. The computer will aid the bank in accelerating the speed with which records are cleared and paid, thereby saving precious time and money of both the bank and its customers.
Effective communication, customers relations, staff training product, packaging and innovation also have to be practice in the bank.
Recommendations were made based on the findings of the research deduced from the analyzed data.
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