
An Assessment of the Socio-economic Impacts (Effects) of Agulu-nanka Gully Erosion, Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria

An Assessment of the Socio-economic Impacts (Effects) of Agulu-nanka Gully Erosion, Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria


An Assessment of the Socio-economic Impacts (Effects) of Agulu-nanka Gully Erosion, Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria


Abstract of An Assessment of the Socio-economic Impacts (Effects) of Agulu-nanka Gully Erosion, Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria

An Assessment Of The Socio-economic Impacts (effects) Of Agulu-nanka Gully Erosion, Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria


Soil erosion is the systematic removal of soil including plant nutrients from the land surface by various agents of denudation. This paper highlights the social and economic impacts of gulling in the area. Social effects include; loss of ancestral homes, loss of school building, loss of church building and loss of sources of water supply. Economic effects studied are loss of farmland, loss of planted crops, loss of shop/business premises and loss of economic trees. The study intends to identify the percentage of the residents according to localities that have suffered socially and economically from gully incidents. It also intend to determine the relationship between adverse social and economic effects suffered by the affected people in the various localities of the study area. The loacalities studied include, Isiakpuenu-Nanka, Engwu-Nanka, Ududo-Nanka, Madonna-Agulu and Agulu – road cut areas. Data for the study was collected from two major sources; primary source and secondary source. Primary source of data are direct observation from fieldwork and the use of questionnaire while the secondary source include topographic map and library materials.

Descriptive statistical tools were applied to deal with the techniques of summarizing and describing data collected. Percentages, proportion and mean were applied to get other parameters such as expected frequencies and deviations from the actual. X2 (Chi-Square) was used to test the level of agreement of the results of analysis. Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation was used to analyze the relationship between the social and economic effects of gully erosion in the area. Findings are that The adverse social and economic effects of Agulu-Nanka Erosion on the residents in the erosion affected Areas differ significantly from the social and economic situation in the unaffected areas and There is no significant relationship between the social and economic effects of gully erosion in Agulu-Nanka areas.

The solution to gully erosion impacts is to treat it as a vital component of the broad issue of environmental problem management. This will be achieved with adequate knowledge of the environment.