An Evaluation of the Impact of Computerized Accounting System on an Organization (a Case Study of Union Bank Plc)

An Evaluation of the Impact of Computerized Accounting System on an Organization (a Case Study of Union Bank Plc)

An Evaluation of the Impact of Computerized Accounting System on an Organization (a Case Study of Union Bank Plc)


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The history of computer started long time ago when different engines have been used which eventually metamorphosed to the computer age in which they were able to perform one or two functions such as counting and other arithmetic operations using hands manipulations with the cerebrum (brain).

Computing by machines started in the mid-east with the use of counting stores in channels. This was the precursor of a counting instrument invented by the Babylonians and normally associated with the Chinese some prominent machines were invented by some scientists such as ABCUS machine that was originated in china during the 7th (seventh) century BC. It was made to perform addition and subtraction operations.


The term data processing consist of all these activities that are concerned with recording, arranging, computing, updating displaying and printing of details relating to a business transaction. There are five basic elements of data perocessinf namely input, processing, storage, output and control.

These are to be considered under the different data processing methods.
Generally, there are three major data processing method namely, manual data processing methods, mechanical data processing method and electronic data processing method. There must widely used are manual and electronic data processing methods.

Manual data processing methods, involves physical and mental efforts of an individual processor. In the electronic data processing all the activities involved in the data processing are electronically executed.




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