
Application of Artificial Intelligence for Effective Teaching and Learning of Robotics Education in Schools

Application of Artificial Intelligence for Effective Teaching and Learning of Robotics Education in Schools


Application of Artificial Intelligence for Effective Teaching and Learning of Robotics Education in Schools


Abstract on Application of Artificial Intelligence for Effective Teaching and Learning of Robotics Education in Schools

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.


Artificial intelligence can dramatically improve the efficiencies of our workplaces and can augment the work humans can do. When AI takes over repetitive or dangerous tasks, it frees up the human workforce to do work they are better equipped for—tasks that involve creativity and empathy among others.

AI can automate the expedition of administrative duties for teachers and academic institutions. Educators spend a lot of time on grading exams, assessing homework, and providing valuable responses to their students. But technology can be used to automate the grading tasks where multiple tests are involved.

Changes that have been implemented in schools are now moving outside the classroom. Companies are advertising new employment opportunities, tailored to the new curricula. However, it is not clear whether the new curricula and new school structures motivated industry to define new types of workers, or whether the need for new types of workers, a few years back, inspired the push for new curricula and changes in the school environment.

In addition to the industrial push, new government policies are underway to support changes in education (especially in elementary education) in Europe. The study will investigate application of artificial intelligence for effective teaching and learning of robotics education in schools