Critical Analysis of Pattern of Land Use in Osun StateĀ
Abstract of Critical Analysis of Pattern of Land Use in Osun StateĀ
The provision of pattern of land use have been stimulated by the growth of cities by the need for relieve resulting form the pressure of modern living, so also people of age, irrespective of their economic and social state need development. Thus there is need to reserve the pattern of landi use it is in the light of this that this project serves to examine the various uses to which land is being put. A critical analysis of pattern of land use in Osogbo metropolis adopted as a case study. The project is arranged in the following ways objective, methodology, social, limitation and justification of the study chapter two deals with literature review, urban infrastructural, types of urban infrastructure property value and various factors affecting property value. A critical analysis of pattern of land use in the study area, Historical background, Geographical location, types of property in study area. Physical characteristics are also discussed.