
Critical, Creative and Caring Thinking as a Solution to Violence in Nigeria Institutions

Critical, Creative and Caring Thinking as a Solution to Violence in Nigeria Institutions


Critical, Creative and Caring Thinking as a Solution to Violence in Nigeria Institutions

Abstract on Critical, Creative and Caring Thinking as a Solution to Violence in Nigeria Institutions

This research work was done as part of degree programme in African thinker’s Community of Inquiry college of education sought to ascertain the critical creative and caring thinking as a solution To conflict in Nigeria Institution with the reference to Federal Co-operative college Orji River enugu state. This is popularly relevant when considered the fall of the standard of education in our country. Conflicts in our school system have filled the air and print media. It is obvious that lecturals, teachers and the school management are the worst for it. In order to achieve the objective of these research, literatures on the subject of critical, creative and caring thinking were extensively reviewed to provide answers to conflict t in school programme. The value of CCACT have all it takes to bring to an end this conflict in Nigerian institutions. This study is hoped to solve the problem of conflict and settlement in a suitable and peaceful manner.