
Design and Construction of House Bell With Indicating Light

Design and Construction of House Bell With Indicating Light


Design and Construction of House Bell With Indicating Light


Chapter One of Design and Construction of House Bell With Indicating Light



To cleanly understand the wood information technology and communication which is the life blood of all human activities the assimilation of communication technology is of great important. The development of communication technology in any nation makers communication technology easy and pleasant. And one of basic building block of a communication system is the house bell indicating which serves as inter-call light to ensure proper communication within an officer or domestic.
An electrical bell can be define as dunce which can be use to alent signal for indicating of problem in alarm signals.
The device is classified according to were types, mode of operation and the application there are numerous types of alarming signals but for the purpose of this project an electric bell with light indicator is considered.
These device receives its input signal form an electrical device known as bell push. That was connected at the wing board Via joint box. The signal (current) passes through the wire and fed into the bell which cause the bell to ring in order to alent the receiver.
Furthermore, the objective of these house ell is to provide a cheap and continent means of communication between two or more people in the same premises.
The major different between inter- communication system using telephone and electric bell is that the signal is transmitted by the call indicator system in place of speech as in the case of the telephony.