Design and Implementation of a Computerised Airplane Passenger Manifest Information System
The design of the new system. Was made possible as the research report reveals the need to meet the requirements set for the existing system and to implement upon the system. The new system would be designed, using visual basic programming language and the resulting software would be subjected to a series of tests to ensure its efficiency and to be some it meet the specificating set for it
The output specification for the new system is as below:
(i) Ability to document of passenger booking the flight
(ii) Make or generate report that would help the management take critical decision affecting the company.
- Make remarks correcting the growth of the company, forecasting future business growth or trend and their print the report itself.
The input specification for the new system include they following this:
(i) Purchase good documentation
- Ability to store vast documents.
The file design used was carefully chosen as file and security issues were considered. As a result random access file system was adapted as it does not only caser for flexibility and ensures security of information .It also provide speedy access to records. See reporting for file design structure.