Design and Implementation of a Computerized System for Revenue Generation From Business Premises (a Case Study Ofnkanu East Local Government Area)
Abstract on Design and Implementation of a Computerized System for Revenue Generation From Business Premises (a Case Study Ofnkanu East Local Government Area)
Every government establishment has a means of generating money, which is accountable to the government body. Individual, groups and companies contribute their own quota to the development of their society in different ways.
This project study analyzed the concept and operations of revenue generation system from business premises as it is carried out by Nkanu East Local Government Area. The entire system was critically analyzed, the problems hindering the smooth operations of the system were detected and possible solutions were provided for effective operation. Data entry procedures and mode of processing operations were critically analyzed and necessary modifications were affected.
A new computerized system was designed to enable effective workflow and work output, accurate, move reliable and comprehensive. Reliable recommendation fro-adequate maintenance was also provided in the work.