Development of Adsorbents and Photocatalysts Using Nigerian Pindiga Bentonitic Clay
Development of Adsorbents and Photocatalysts Using Nigerian Pindiga Bentonitic Clay
Development of Adsorbents and Photocatalysts Using Nigerian Pindiga Bentonitic Clay
The Construction of Sieve Equipment Abstract of The Construction of Sieve Equipment The sets of seizes with shocker which was fabricated and assembled in the chemical engineering pilot plant was aimed at providing the students with a machine that will aid them in practical involving the separation of solid particles. Besides this, it was…
Comparative Analysis of Coal, Fuel Oil and Natural Gas for Cement Production Abstract of Comparative Analysis of Coal, Fuel Oil and Natural Gas for Cement Production This study is a comparative analysis of the use of coal, fuel oil and natural gas for cement production noting their physical and chemical properties, cost and availability,…
The Effect of Environment on Corrosion Abstract of The Effect of Environment on Corrosion In this research project, the various nail were subjected to six environments so as to check the effect of the environments on corrosion of the nails. Two sets of nails were used; normal nail and concrete nail. Six of each…
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Technology in Petroleum and Chemical Industrial Abstract of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Technology in Petroleum and Chemical Industrial Industrial wastewater treatment covers the mechanisms and process used to treat water that have been contaminated in some way by anthropogenic industrial or commercial activities prior to its release into the environment or its…
Construction of Cellophane Sealing Machine Abstract of Construction of Cellophane Sealing Machine The construction of the callophane sealing machine was carried out. The project started with an encompassing review of the various methods of heat sealing film packages. The machine can be used in sealing both low, medium and high-density cellophane. The product has…
Construction of a Fluidzed Bed Reactor Abstract of Construction of a Fluidzed Bed Reactor The project is the construction of fluidised bed reactor. After a detailed research mild steel was chosen as the material of construction based on its inherent properties. The construction process entitles the marketing out of the sheet to the specified…