
Effect of Human Resource Training and Development on Employee Performance

Effect of Human Resource Training and Development on Employee Performance


Effect of Human Resource Training and Development on Employee Performance


Chapter One of Effect of Human Resource Training and Development on Employee Performance




Business is becoming more complex and human elements remain an indispensable component of its survival. Training is a sort of investment from which an organization expect some positive returns. It involves the development or modification of behaviour of employees in such a way that they become more effective at their duty post.

Flippo (1980) said that when employees have been recruited, selected and inducted, such employees must be developed to fit the job and the organization since no one is perfectly fit at the time of hiring. Soetan (1995) also buttressed this point when he said that training is always necessary when requisite skills, attitude and knowledge are either inadequate or completely lacking and when performance deficiencies that can be eliminated through training are identified.

However, training is often aimed at increasing productivity, improving quality of work, raise moral as well as development of new skills, knowledge and attitude. While development on the other hand, is a hand in a learning activity which is directed toward future rather than present needs and which is concerned more with career growth than immediate performance. The focus of development tends to be future manpower requirement and other growth needs of individual in the workplace.

Training and development are not synonymous. Training is the process of improving job behaviour of an employee in the immediate environment while development is future oriented often geared toward preparing an employee for greater responsibilities in the future.

Effective management of change calls for a dynamic human resources development policy to ensure that each staff in an organization possesses requisite knowledge, skills experience and expertise for the performance of his task.

The Administrative approach is based on the number of employees to be trained in one year at a particular period. The needs of the employee or the organization is not considered rather it depends on whose turn it is to go for training and the number of staff the budget can take care of. Through approach, the employees are sent to improve their welfare either financially, academically or otherwise. The employees are sent for training for their personal benefit. In organization, a measure of polices exist as the employee interact with one another here, training selection is based on either or some of the following lobbying, getting rid of some troublesome employees and projection of individual’s personal image, is known as “political approach”. The organization development approach is usually adopted where the management cadre in an organization are made to attend training programmes as a result of poor performance of a unit or division as the case may be.

In a systematic approach, the need of the employee is identified from the gap between his actual performance and the desired performance. Periodic performance appraisal can provide very useful data to identify these needs through systematic approach to training. It is preferred in profit oriented organization because it is often job related and is directed toward the achievement of organizational goals.

Training and development usually takes two forms namely:

·        In house training

·        Off house training

In-house training is usually carried out within the organization i.e. induction course, on-the-job training coaching programmes, etc. Here, the training is done in the normal work environment situation with the trainee using the actual tools, equipment and material that he/she will use when he/she is fully trained. Mccormick and Tiffin (1977) describe it as “catch as-cast-can” and on the other hand, off-house training takes place outside the organization, for instance management consultant and training institutions organized training programmes which employees attend as evaluation training. It decides whether training justifies it cost and whether it is doing what it sets out to do.

The main goal of training is to improve employee ability to perform specific tasks. Many organizations therefore spend a deal of time and money on training and development of their employees. However, management is worried about the effectiveness of training programmes in terms of contents, method usefulness and result. There are many approaches to training depending on the purpose it is expected to serve.

These are:

v Administrative Approach

v Welfare Approach

v Political Approach

v Organizational development Approach

v Systematic Approach

Boydel, C. (1971) has suggested the following ten steps as constituting systematic training process.

1.   Identification of the occupation chosen as priority.

2.   Examination of the occupation chosen as priority

3.   Analysis of the occupation

4.   Specification, selection, and appraisal of the people to be training

5.   Setting training objectives

6.   Planning of the training programme

7.   Implementation of training programme

8.   Checking / assessment of the training

Budgeting for training can be described as a process for systematically relating expenditure of funds for training to accomplish its planned objectives. The main purpose of training budget is to have realistic estimates of funding necessary for the training services which are meant to be crucial to the achievement for organizational goal both in short term and long term basis. According to Douglas (1969), the step to follow in preparing a training budget are as follows.

·                          Assess the training needs of the organization

·                          Draw a training programme for the year

·                          Document the annual budget for the training schools or department

The information

The time to be spent on training

The number of people to be trained

The incidental expenses such as traveling expenses.


One of the basic problems in any work environment is how to motivate people to work. In a modern society this is not an easy tasks, as many people derive only slight personal satisfaction from their jobs and enjoy little sense of accomplishment or creativity. A worker has certain personal expectations concerning the type and amount of reward he or she would receive for services rendered. The extent to which such expectations are met would presumably affect in large measure the inclination of the worker to continue  at the current level of performance and indeed, might even ultimately affect the decision concerning whether to remain with the organization. Training development is predicated or workers machines and tool deficiencies. Wastages in industries owing to the fact that people are not well trained for a particular job, usually result low skilled man power.

It is necessary for managers to identify training needs before designing training programmes. Emphasis on buying sophisticated machines to replace human resources development, thereby leading to more  concentration on machine instead of individual, lack of technical skills, interpersonal skill, or inability to assimilate the cultural values of the organization. The researcher has veered into finding out the reasons. Why embargoes are placed on equipment instead of human capital development


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect or extent to which training motivates workers toward greater job performance in the banking industry. It also examines the training method being employed and will also examine what can be regarded as adequate manpower training and development on employees performance and how organization can improve employee performance beyond the scope of training and development.


Many  organizations spend a great deal of time and money on training and development  of their employees, however the management of some companies are often worried about the effectiveness of such training and development programmes in terms of content, methods, usefulness and desired results. This research efforts would attempt to evaluate the impact of training and development on employees performance of a firm in the banking industry.

Secondly, there are chance of prevention of industries folding up if they have competent and well trained staff delivering improved and better services in line with the organization’s goal and objectivities. This will in turn enable our home made product and services to compete favourably with foreign products and services.

Training can result to improve job satisfaction as performance when training requirements are determined by analyzing the work to be done through the manpower resources available and the present and future environmental demand or organization.

All new employees, regardless of their previous training, education and experience, need to be introduced to their new employees’ work environmental and to be taught how to perform specific tasks. Moreover specific occasion, for training arise when job changes, and new skills must be introduced by advancing automatic.

As some employees respond to continuous training, they can progressively increase their value to organization and prepare themselves for promotion  and continuous training can help employees to develop their ability to learn, adapt themselves to work methods, learning to use new kinds of equipments and adjusting to method changes in job content and work relationship.

Training programme also usually provide a job change designed to improve the quality of work life and the hope that the employees will reciprocate with training gives the employees a fair chance to better performance and avoids the frustrating experience of poor performance. Effective training and motivation therefore ensure the loyalty of employee and invariable, high productivity through the avoidance of wastages.


The effect of human resources training and development on employees performance need to be examined and the extent to which training motivates workers towards greater job performance in the banking industry.

To identify how organization can improve employee performance beyond the scope of training and development.

And finally, this study will document relevant information which will improve the awareness   of training and development in an organization  through the manpower resources available and the present  and future environmental demand  or organization.