
Emotional Intelligence and Adolescents’ Behaviour Problems

Emotional Intelligence and Adolescents’ Behaviour Problems


Emotional Intelligence and Adolescents’ Behaviour Problems


Abstract of Emotional Intelligence and Adolescents’ Behaviour Problems

The purpose of this study is to investigate the Emotional Intelligence and Adolescents’ Behaviour Problems in Kosofe Local Government of Lagos State .The study covered a total of Ojota /Ogudu Zone of Education District II, encompassing five Senior Secondary Schools. A total of 150 students were selected for the study .In addition, the research questionnaire titled Emotional Intelligence and Adolescents’ Behaviour Problems Questionnaire( EIABPQ) was constructed by the researcher were administered for data collection. The data collected were analyzed in tables and percentages. Results from the study revealed that there was no significant influence of self-awareness on adolescents’ behavior problems among secondary school students. Self-management has significant influence on adolescents’ behaviour problems among secondary school students. Social awareness has no significant influence on adolescents’ behaviour problems among secondary school students. Lastly, there is no significant influence of relationship management on adolescents’ behaviour problems among secondary school students. However, based on these  findings, it was recommended that adolescents in secondary schools  should be taught emotional intelligence skills and competencies that will help in reducing aggression, hostility and personal distress which will equip them in building healthy social relationships .Also, that adequate attention should be given to the social and emotional development of adolescents at home and the schools so that they can properly nurture their emotional intelligence capabilities which will eventually make them an adjusted and productive adult to self and the society at large in future.



Chapter One of Emotional Intelligence and Adolescents’ Behaviour Problems


Background to the Study

In recent times, emphasis has been placed on the attitude and behavior of children and young people which to a large extent determined how successful they will cope with life’s issues and challenges. Unfortunately, the care taker of these children, who include parents, teachers, care-givers and other significant others are becoming too engaged in other activities, leaving these young ones to get little or no attention to the development and nurturing of their personalities and potentials. Since adequate and proper grooming can help them to become a more successful and responsible human beings. It is worth noting that the ability to develop and maintain interpersonal relationship during childhood and adolescence is an important predictor of present and future adjustment (.Nasir and Seena,2011).

Psychologist refers to this ability as emotional intelligence while others considered it to be more important than intelligent quotient. It is one of such characteristics that can help an individual to be productive and successful in life. Emotional intelligence is when an individual is able to recognize his or her emotions, understand what these emotions are saying and realize how those emotions affect people around him or her.( Salovey and Mayer 1996). It also involves one’s perception of others because when one understands how people feel, it will allow one to manage relationship more effectively.

With the prevalence of disruptive and maladaptive behaviours among young people and which has been attributed to their inability to understand their emotions and of others resulting to these disturbing behaviours. It is important to understand that an individual behaviour is based on the learning processes he or she is exposed to and is rooted and expressed through emotions. The ability to express and control emotions is essential but more importantly is the ability to understand , interprete and respond to the emotions of others.

Emotion intelligence is an area of cognitive ability trait and social skills that facilitate interpersonal behaviour. ( Goleman ,1995). Intelligence can be broadly defined as the capacity for goal oriented adaptive behaviour which Emotional 1ntelligence focuses on the aspect of intelligence that govern self-knowledge and social adaptation. It is the ability of an individuals to recognize their own emotions and that of others, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately and use these emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.(Colman, 2008). It also reflects abilities to connect intelligence, empathy and emotions in order to enhance thought and understanding of inter-personal dynamics.( Mayer ,2008)

The formation and development of Emotional 1ntelligence among children and adolescence is an important component in establishing qualitatively adaptive personality in living conditions of modern life. The importance of actuality of existence of Emotional Intelligence in adolescence is the ability to control one’s own emotions and emotions of others. Due to the fact that the age of adolescence is characterized by process of rapid psychological development and formation of the personality the resulting emotional and behavioural instability may contribute to the formation of certain behavioural strategies for the future adult life. The system of value which is formed based on the available experiences of the adolescents can also influence the intellectual, psycho-physiological and emotional components of his personality during the processes of life activity.

Studies have shown that children’s abilities to recognize other’s emotions and to produce recognizable emotions are related to important variations in their social competence (Lemerise and Arsenio, 2000, Saarni, 1999).

But recently, Halberstadt, Denhoim and Dunsmere (2001) argued that a third less study ability, emotion experience, that include “awareness and recognition of one’s own emotions” may also play a significant role in the children’s interaction with peers in certain situations.

The understanding of emotional experience by children stem from the way they conceived and link the effect of the situation or event with each other. For example (Harris, 1985) stressed that many of our behavioural decisions are influenced by “an anticipation of the way we feel in some future situation. A child’s readiness to go to school, to face the dentist, to seek out a new friend or to run away from punishment is based on an appraisal of how he or she will feel when facing these situations”. This is to show that the claim that we often remember emotional antecedents and consequences of various events and that, in turn, these emotion expectancies are especially useful for anticipations over likely responses to different situations and planning potential behaviours.

However, emotional intelligence provides the capacity to carry out reasoning in regards to emotions and to use them to enhance reasoning. More, specifically Emotional Intelligence is said to involve the ability to perceive and accurately express emotion, to use emotion to facilitate thought to understand emotions and to manage emotions for emotional growth (Mayer and Salovey, 1997).

Some researchers suggest that Emotional Intelligence can be learned and strengthened while others claimed it is an inborn characteristics .  It is based on how to recognize emotions, find their meanings relationships in order to reason out a way of solving problems in day to day life.

It is obvious that emotions are actually the basis for any reaction or behaviour that is been display at any given situation.

However, emotion seems to rule our daily lives, decisions are made based on whether we are happy, angry, sad, bored or frustrated. We get involved in different activities due to what our emotions incite.

An emotion is a complex psychological state that involves three distinct components, that is a subjective experience, a psychological response and a behavioural or expressive response. (Hockenbury and Hockenbury (2007).

In addition to understand emotions, researchers have tried to identify and classify the different types of emotions. Eckman (1972) suggested six basic emotions that are universal throughout human cultures. They include: Fear, disgust, anger, suspense, happiness and sadness. In 1999, he explained that the list included other basic emotions like embarrassment, excitement, contempt, shame, pride, satisfaction and amusement.

In 1980, Phutchuck introduced another emotional classification system known as the “wheel of emotion”. This model demonstrated how different emotions can be combined or mixed together; He suggested that there are Eight (8) primary emotional dimensions; Happiness, Versus Sadness, Anger Versus Fear, Trust Versus Disgust and Surprise Versus Anticipation. These emotions can then be combined in variety of ways. For example happiness and anticipation might be combined to create excitement.

However, emotions can be best understood by focusing on these three key elements.

Researchers believed that experience of emotions can be highly subjective. While there might be broad labels for certain emotions such as “anger” “sadness” or happiness” the unique experience of these emotions is probably much more multi-dimensional as individual’s experiences emotions in different forms. People do not always experience “pure” forms of each emotions, but mixed emotions are different events of situation in our lives are common. For example, when faced with starting a new job, one might feel both excitement or nervousness. These emotions might occur simultaneously or one might feel them one after another.

Emotions also cause stronger psychological reactions. Many of the physical reactions one experience during an emotion such as sweaty palms, racing heartbeat, or rapid breathing are controlled by the systematic nervous system; a branch of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system control involuntary body response such as blood flow and digestion. The sympathetic nervous system is charged with controlling the body’s fight or flight reactions when faced with a threat; these reactions automatically prepare the body to flee from danger or face the threat head on.

Meanwhile, early studies of psychology of emotions tended to focus on these autonomic response, but more recent research have targeted the brain’s role in emotions. The Brain Scan had shown that the Amygdala, which is a part of the limbic system, plays on important role in emotion and fear in particular. Amygdala which is a tiny, almond shaped structure that has been linked to motivational states such as hunger and thirst as well as memory and emotions.

Researchers have used brain imaging to show that when people are shown threatening images, the Amygdala becomes activated. It has been noted that damage to the Amygdala has shown to impair the fear response.

This component is the one people are most familiar with because it is the actual expression of emotions. This is because a significant amount of time is spent on interpreting the emotional expressions of the people around us. Our ability to accurately understand these  expression is tied to what psychologist called emotional intelligence and they played major part in our overall body language.

Researchers believed that many expressions are universal, such as a smile indicating happiness or pleasure or a frown showing sadness or displeasure. Cultural rules also play an important role on how individual express and interpret emotions. For example in Japan, people tend to mask display of fear or disgust when they are in the presence of an authority figure.

Moreover, emotional intelligence consists of interaction between emotion and cognition that leads to adaptive functioning (Salovey and Grenal, 2005). It increases mental and psychological flourishing; moreover it also decides mental and physical illness.

According to Edward Thorndike (1930) he described the concept of “social intelligence” as the ability to get along with other people, while Wechler suggested that effective components of intelligence may be essential to successful life.

Also Payne (1985) introduced the term emotional intelligence in his doctoral dissertation title” A study of emotion; developing emotional intelligence; self-integration; relating to fear; pain and desire (theory, structure or reality, problem-solving, contraction or expansion, turning in or coming or letting go).

Caruso said “it is very important to understand that Emotional Intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, that it is not the triumph of heart overhead, but it is the unique intersection of both”. While Mayer and Cobb, described it as the ability to process emotional information particularly as it involves the perception, assimilation, understanding and management of emotions.

In conclusions, Freedman et al defined Emotional Intelligence as a way of recognizing, understanding and choosing how we think, feel and act; it shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn , allows us to set priorities and determines the majority of our daily actions.

Adolescence is marked by immerse turmoil in emotional and behavioural spheres. World Health Organization defined adolescence as the period of life between the ages of 10-19 years.The adolescent struggle to develop the indivisibility while still conforming to societal norms.

Rapid urbanization and modernization have exposed them to changes in society. The resultant break down in family structure, excessive or minimal control confuses the adolescent and makes him or her especially vulnerable to maladaptive patterns of thinking and behavior. Healthy adulthood depends upon successful resolution of these emotional and behavioural problems and treading on this high rope, most adolescents go through to adulthood normally.

However, it is not all adolescent that may be fortunate to get the ideal societal support for this smooth transition.

Some develop maladaptive pattern in emotional and behavioural spheres. This anger ills for the individual’s future resulting in depression, delinquency and suicidal among other problems.

Recently, there has been a rise in the prevalence of mental illness and maladaptive behaviours among adolescents. World Health Organization (WHO) estimate shows that up to 20% adolescents have one or more mental or behavioural problems. Studies conducted in different parts of the world show prevalence of behavioural and emotional problems in adolescence ranges from 16.5% to 40.8%.

More than 50% of school attending adolescents engage in problem behaviours such as skipping school, using alcohol, fighting, shoplifting and stealing. A smaller but significant number of adolescents were reported to have engaged in risky sexual behaviours.

Adolescents are usually in high risk for the development of problem behaviours that are distressing and socially disruptive (Bartlelt, Holditch-Davis and Belyea, 2005; Brooks, 1997). Some problem behaviour like having multiple sex partners can result to problem for the individual and others as well as the adolescents. Thus, these behavioural problems in these young people can have serious consequences for them, their family and friends, their schools and society.

The use of alcohol put adolescents at the risk for school problems, risky sexual behavious like failing to use condoms, victimization and criminal behaviours. Those that use alcohol also increase their risk of being involved in motor vehicle and other accidents which is the most common cause of death amongst adolescents in 2001 (Aderson and Smith, 2003).

Depression during childhood and adolescence has been associated to higher risk of developing several problems such as depressive disorder during the adulthood, suicidal behaviour, functional deterioration, antisocial behavior and academic related problem.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) more than 1-6 million people around the world die as a result of violent behaviour. Infact, violent behaviour is one of the major causes of death for young people.

Human aggressive is defined as any behaviour directed towards another individual that is carried out with the immediate intent to cause harm. In addition, the perpetrator must behave that the behaviour will harm the target and the target is motivated to avoid the behaviour (Anderson and Bushman, 2002).

Aggressive behaviour produces negative effect not only in the victims but also in the aggressors. More aggressive adolescents show clear psychosocial maladjustment, low academic performance, absenteeism from schools, involvement in delinquent act, substance abuse and various mental health problems, which include high level of depression.

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a prevalent and recurrent condition in children and group people and it is associated with substantial impairment as seen in difficulties in school, interpersonal relationship, tobacco and substance, suicide attempt and a 30-fold increased risk of completed suicide Lewinsohn (1998).

There is a strong evidence that MDD is associated with impaired emotions regulation of which voluntary and involuntary (automatic) cognitive processes are key components Mayberg (2007).

Bullying is the most prevalent form of violence in schools and it has lasting consequences into adulthood. There had been an increased concern regarding school bullying has it has been raised in part of the world due to publicized suicide of childhood victims. Around 40% of middle school children are directly involved in bullying at least once a week according to the National Center of Education Statistics.

This act had continued to be a serious threat to the physical and emotional health of children and the youth. Incidence of violence and aggression in schools is common and expanding phenomenon, which has attracted the interest of scientist, educator and policy maker for over three decades in major part of Europe, North America and Australia.

Bullying is defined as a negative physical , verbal or relationship action that have hostile intent, cause distress to the victim and are repeated and involve a power imbalance between the perpetrators and victims. Also, it may take multiple forms varying from physical confrontation, such as spread of rumors or exclusion from the peer group and social marginalization of victims.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) involves the ideas that cognition and emotion are interrelated. This implies that emotion influence decision-making, relationships building and everyday behaviour.

In light of the relationship between emotional intelligence and variables that are related to social function, several authors have begins to investigate whether the inability to manage emotions is associated not only with conflict behaviour in relationship but also with more serious behavioural problems such as aggressive conducts (Loman, Stough, Hansen and Downey, 2012).

Evidence in research has been in favour of Emotional Intelligence as a key concept in the study of adolescence mental health, since it is considered to be a protective factor against negative moods and therefore against mental illness. (Mayer and Salovey 1997)..

Some researchers illustrate a significance relationship between bullying and emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is a set of abilities related to the understanding, use and management of emotion as it relates to one’s self and others. Mayer et al (2008) defines the dimension of overall Emotional Intelligence as “accurately perceiving emotions, using emotions to facilitate thought, understanding emotion, and managing emotion”. The concept combines emotional and intellectual processes.

However, lower emotional intelligence appears to be related to involvement in bullying, as the bully and or the victim of bullying. Emotional Intelligence education could greatly improve bullying prevention and intervention initiatives. This is because the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions may play an important role in preventing children from engaging in bullying behaviours.