
Evaluation of Public Housing Programmes in Nigeria: a Theoritical and Conceptual Approach

Evaluation of Public Housing Programmes in Nigeria a Theoritical and Conceptual Approach


Evaluation of Public Housing Programmes in Nigeria a Theoritical and Conceptual Approach


Chapter One of Evaluation of Public Housing Programmes in Nigeria a Theoritical and Conceptual Approach



The  aim  of  this  paper  is  to  develop  and  test  a  theoretical  and  conceptual  framework  for  an  alternative  approach  to evaluation  of  public  housing  programmes  in  Nigeria.  It  seeks  to  address  limitations  of  existing  approaches  where one  theory  or  discipline  has  the  upper  hand  in  evaluating  public  housing  programmes.  This  paper  proposes  a broad-based  framework  for  assessing  relationships  between  input,  output  and  outcomes  of  public  housing programmes  through  a  realistic  approach  to  evaluation  based  on  objective-oriented  theory,  theory-driven evaluation  paradigm  and  conceptual  issues.  This  approach  allows  for  the  use  of  logical  framework  to  explain  the complex  connections  between  underlying  programme  theory  and  outcomes.  The  distinct  features  of  this alternative  evaluation  approach  include:  an  open-ended  evaluation  approach;  housing  providers  and  residents participation;  broad-based  and  a  multi-faceted  data  gathering  approaches  and  analysis  in  distinguishing  the outcome  of  different housing  delivery  strategies  in  public  housing  programmes.