Improving the Management of Learnable Funds in Commercial Banks in Nigeria

 Improving the Management of Learnable Funds in Commercial Banks in Nigeria

Improving the Management of Learnable Funds in Commercial Banks in Nigeria


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Abstract on Improving the Management of Learnable Funds in Commercial Banks in Nigeria

This study centered on improving the management of loanable funds in commercial banks. The study was comparative in nature, using Trade Bank of Nigeria (TBN) and Inland Bank of Nigeria (IBN). These two banks were chosen because of their accessibility, high rate of mobilization of deposits and loan defaulting. The major instrument used for data collection included oral interviews, bank records of daily operations, annual report and statement of accounts. Four hypothesis were formulated in line with the statement of the problems. The data obtained was organized and analyzed with the use of chi-square test for goodness of fit, coefficient of correlation, percentage of loan chart and component bar chart were also used respectively where necessary. The study finally revealed if the incidence of loan default was continuously on the increase/decrease and if such increase/decrease was more in government owned banks or in privately owned banks. It also saw if such increase/decrease was higher/lower in relation to deposit mobilization. In order to find solution to the problem, it was suggested that banks should adhere strictly to the principles of good lending, improve on security valuation, ensure that men of high integrity are employed at the credit department and emphasize on prudent supervision and control of loan accounts. Other suggestions were purely focused on advisory and credit worthiness for effectiveness and proper management.




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