Internal Control in an Examining Body

Internal Control in an Examining Body

Internal Control in an Examining Body


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Proposal on Internal Control in an Examining Body 

There had been several cases o frauds, misappropriation of public funds, looting of public properties, and other irregularities in different government owned establishment in our country.

Any establishment that set up internal control system, which it objective is to prevent, or early detecting of fraud and errors, must proceed its requirement for effective operation within the establishment.

It is no this premise that I choose to research on this topic-‘internal control in an examining body.’’ In view of this study, the research want to find out the effort made by government institutions including the examining bodies towards ensuring compliance with the set out policies, and procedures as laid down by auditing standards and guideline and financial regulation.

The research will also seek and identify whether the control measure employed by the examining bodies are adequate, relevant and reliable as to ensure the safety of asset, completeness and accuracy of records.

In treating this research topic, the research will make use of data collected from books, journals and lecture/seminar notes. Other reliable sources include, responds from personal interview and questionnaire from the establishment.

After a critical survey, the research will examining and analyzed the requirements and machinery, which will necessitate the smooth running of internal control system.

Due to the versatility of the topic, the researcher is faced with some constraints like time and resource. In this view, it will be reduced to only examining bodies using NECO as a reference case.   

Recommendation on the way out will be made based on the finding and conclusions.


Chapter One of Internal Control in an Examining Body


Background of the study:

Internal control was defined by the Auditing standards and guideline as a whole system of control both financial and otherwise, established by management in order to carry on the business of on enterprise in an orderly and efficient manner, ensure adherence to management polices, safeguard the asset and secure as far as possible the completeness and accuracy of records.’’(1)

In reality, internal control form the bedrock of auditing both from the point of view of management and the auditor, its objectives being the prevention or early detection of fraud and errors. It may include internal auditing which qualifies as part of the system of internal control and it is designed for the following reasons:

(a)     To enforce financial and other control:

(b)     Ensure adherence to management policy

(c)      Help to safeguard the assets (cash)

(d)     To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the records

(e)      Help to ensure orderliness in the business and    

(f)               Help in the prevention and early detection of fraud and errors.

An artificial review of the change in the Accounting practice will depict the essence of internal control system in an organization especially in an examining body.

The earliest known form of accounting, which is stewardship, Accounting started as far back as 450 B.C.  This form of accounting involves the orderly recorded of business transaction by person appointed by the landlord to serve as a stewards for them. This was later changed as the recording remained primitive stewardship accounting pave may to financial accounting during the nineteenth century which marketed the era of industrial revolution”. This indeed led to the advent of joint stock companies- a situation where by group of individuals contributed capital in exchange for shares in the asset and profits of the company sea bubble of 1720, had earlier on instilled fear and suspicion in the mind the public that they doubt the ability of the directors to carry out this type of trade honestly.

Management accounting however, is not left but for it is another aspect of accounting that got it authority and ground from the historical recording and analysing role of accounting to emphasizing detailed information for internal planning, control and decision making.

Currently most business are operated by limited liability companies which are owned by their share holders, but managed by the directors appointed by them.

In the same vein, the public corporation and establishment, and even examining bodies are owned by the public but under the management of appointees.

The appraisal of the work of these appointees are carried out by an independent person referred to as an auditor, who is charge with the responsibility of evaluating and examining the accounts of the management and report on his finding to the owners (share holder) of the company or corporations. It is pertinent to note that one of the tools or mechanism adopted by an auditor in appraising the work of the management is the internal control system with this system of control, the share holder are convinced or self assured on efficient and effective management of their assets and resources.


In an attempt to overcome envisaged problem in the presentation of accounting information and the system internal control, the government made a leading statement and regulations which serve as a yardsticks by which an accounting system could be measured. Also accounting and Auditing professional bodies laid town some guidelines, which will guide their member, and all practicing Accountants and Auditor in the performance of their professional duties.

It is pertinent to note that several cases of frauds, misappropriation of public funds, looting of public properties, and other irregularities in connection with public funds have been reported in different establishment in our country.

Therefore, it is the aim of the research to use this study entitled “internal control an examining body” to ascertain the effectiveness of control system employed in government owned establishment by using the laid down rules and regulations as parameters.




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