
Shotguns, Spray, and Smoke: Regulating Atmospheric Deposition of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act

Shotguns, Spray, and Smoke Regulating Atmospheric Deposition of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act


Shotguns, Spray, and Smoke Regulating Atmospheric Deposition of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act


Abstract of Shotguns, Spray, and Smoke Regulating Atmospheric Deposition of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act

The author is an attorney in Los Angeles, and a former law clerk to Judge Paul
C. Huck, United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. B.A.,
Dartmouth College; J.D., Washington College of Law-American University. I
thank Howard Fox and Steve Roady of Earthjustice for their initial inspiration and
guidance. Thank you also to Dr. Charles Driscoll, Syracuse University Professor of
Environmental Systems Engineering, for sharing his knowledge and answering my
questions regarding atmospheric transport and deposition of mercury. Finally, my
eternal gratitude to Alison Collins Antony for her patience, support, and proof-
