Tax as a Source of Revenue to the Federal Goverment of Nigeria, Problems, Recommendations for Improvement

 Tax as a Source of Revenue to the Federal Goverment of Nigeria, Problems, Recommendations for Improvement

Tax as a Source of Revenue to the Federal Goverment of Nigeria, Problems, Recommendations for Improvement


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Chapter one on Tax as a Source of Revenue to the Federal Goverment of Nigeria, Problems, Recommendations for Improvement



The background of the study is also called important of the study, so the study, of the term paper is when completed the essence of paying tax.  Under the importance of the study, we have income tax which is one of the major sources of avenue of the Federal Government in question. In tax collected comeback to the tax payer in form of social amenities such as piper Bourne water, electricity, health centre, good road, school, building of market, all these are what they benefit form the tax they pay, also, income tax has some social effects to the tax payers such as relief.  The relief after the social structure of whose tax payer in Federal Government.          
They relieves respect of children and function relief on insurance policy, premiums and dependent relatives. Government of the Nigeria spread the money collected from income tax which has been imposed on determinate object or project such as justice etc.  some of the revenue collected from taxes are usually distributed as part of the proceeds fo income tax the work is also based on oral interview, observation, answers from comprehensive, questionnaire and compares between what is laid down in lopman and what is in operation.          
However, the work has been done not without some limitation.  The researcher was confronted with some unlimbering factors during her time of study such as limited time during the period of the study.  In addition to this work she was faced with other problems such as attending her lectures, preparation for the forth coming examination for ordinary national diploma even financial constraints.


The problem stated by tax as a sources of revenue to the federal government of Nigeria.         
 In every tax there must be direct and indirect which is commonly in every tax as a sources of revenue to the federal government such as where we have a computer café in Nigeria.  In computer café there is no enough computer, machine, electricity and staff improved there because people who usually comes fro browsing are not comfortable.         
 So, the solution to this problem of paying of tax in a computer café, government should go to the NEPA authority for the provision of stayed electricity instead of using generator in a computer café.          
And to provide enough computer machine and provide enough staff for attending of people who usually comes in a computer café.          
Another problem of tax as a sources of revenue to the federal government of Nigeria are the problems of banks in some Nigeria. For there is no enough mortgage after depositing to the bank.  So government should help the problem in tax in other to penalize any bank in Nigeria that does not have usually put mortgage in the money deposited. So this solution should be made.


The term paper is about tax as a source o revenue to federal government of Nigeria.  The work was conducted by contracting tax payers which comprises; office workers, petty traders and the federal inland revenue hoping that whatever information obtaining from them are assumed to be the same in al other areas.




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