The Effect of Business Combination on the Economic Revival of Nigeria

The Effect of Business Combination on the Economic Revival of Nigeria

The Effect of Business Combination on the Economic Revival of Nigeria


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Abstract on The Effect of Business Combination on the Economic Revival of Nigeria

Two principal ways by which aims may grow are:- Internally, through the acquisition of specific assets which are financed by the retention of earnings and external financing and externally, through the combination with another company which is done by: (a) Merges with and acquisition of other firms. (b) Divesting a division or subsidiary so that industry may need to become more competitive in the world markets. Whether firms amalgamation or merge to form an entirely news enterprise or firms takes over by purchases of the capital assets of others the result is usually a large sized business unit or firm with high capital base. With high capital, mass production of quality products could be achieved to reduce the level of importation of these products from other countries. Some of these locally manufactured goods will be consumed domestically while others could be exported to generate export earning which can be used for the country’s debt-servicing obligation. Many developing countries that are on imported goods usually have the problem of a deficit balance of trade. The revenue from the industries has helped the government to built roads, bridges, communication facilities etc. infrastructure such as transportation needed to move people, materials and finished goods, communication network necessary for efficient commerce, a safe water supply as well as electricity supply that enhance their operations and essential to economic development will be provided by merged firm with high capital base. Business combination helps to revive companies experiencing distress and prevent their being liquidated. The continue existence of these firms is beneficial to the government as it makes possible the continuous flow of taxes, royalties and licenses fees from the companies to the government. The combination of local firms with foreign firms helps to provide training in workers and management skill that come from working with large firms that possess technical knows-how personnel. This helps to enhance the human resource development of the nation. Merged companies with large capital could attract foreign investment i.e. foreigners would like to make investment in them. This project work is proposed to be carried out in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma (HND in Accountancy).




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