
The Effect of Waste Management Practice on Waste Disposal in Nigeria

The Effect of Waste Management Practice on Waste Disposal in Nigeria


The Effect of Waste Management Practice on Waste Disposal in Nigeria


Abstract of The Effect of Waste Management Practice on Waste Disposal in Nigeria

The research  provides a conceptual and theoretical study on the effect of waste management practice on waste disposal in analyzes the concept of waste and waste management. It projects the challenges and profers strategies for effective waste management in Nigeria. with a case study of (CUDA.)                           


Chapter One of The Effect of Waste Management Practice on Waste Disposal in Nigeria


The American Public Liquid Association in 1975 defined solid waste as unwanted and useless material with insufficient liquid content to be free flowing, because of its sticky nature, solid waste has the ability to accumulating and physically insulting and degrading the environment if not well managed. And is more conspicuous in the urban than rural areas and has been linked to such problems like demographic inconsistency and in continuity in sanitation policy and data availability. The increase in population as a result of industrial revolution in major towns and cities of the world have necessitated rapid growth or high rate of urbanization and development for instance; Nigeria cities in recent time have witnessed rapid population growth resulting from influx of migrants from rural area to the cities. This brings about the concentration of industrial, commercial, infrastructural,  administration and government activities in urban centers. Thus, as the population of cities grows, the  rate of waste generation also increases leading to increase burning of refuse (in the developing  countries) and high rate of air pollution ,which increased concentration of green house gases that  causes global warming and eventually Climate change. The volume of waste generated in any city is  often reflection of the intensity of human activities such as population urbanization and social  development, resources exploitation and unchecked technological advances. All these activities  generated one form of waste or the other. And the volume of waste generated has also increased  tremendously .the implication of this is that we have more waste to cope with.