The Impact of Computerization in the Growth of Nigerian Economy

The Impact of Computerization in the Growth of Nigerian Economy

The Impact of Computerization in the Growth of Nigerian Economy


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Chapter One of The Impact of Computerization in the Growth of Nigerian Economy


Nigeria, like most developing countries is an “Information poor” country. Most of Nigeria’s wealth and power comes from the control of physical assets-land, oil, iron steel, coal e.t.c But in the 21st century, this cannot continue to happen. The main source of value and competitive advantage in the new economy is human and intellectual capital. With a present population of about 150 million people, Nigeria in theory has the capacity to make a successful transition into a truly knowledge driven economy.


For the purpose of this report or rather, project, the term “Information technology” shall be adopted to include all computer based activities that derive from the convergent disciplines of microelectronics, computing and telecommunications and that have led to the reorganization of the processes of production, distribution and circulation in Nigerian society.

With Solive oil manufacturing company Nigeria limited, one of such production companies specialized in oil production will have to take note that exciting trends are sweeping across the world. In advanced economics “knowledge” is fast becoming a strategic asset for economic development. Technological advances and globalization are gathering pace. Advances in information and communication technology are occurring on a tremendous scale and every organization looking to improve with great innovation must key in.


The problem associated with Solive oil manufacturing company is such that should not be taken lightly. According to one of the staffs interviewed, most of problems are caused by most of problems are caused by mismanagement of funds. This has become a general problem ruling in the Nigeria society today, beginning from the federal government down to the private sector. If Nigerian economy is to improve, the management must act with strict polices such that would put a check to every activity and misuse of company funds.

Other problems associated with the case study are listed below:

vInadequate policies that would put a check to activities on site and on management as well,

vLack of technical know-how: in the 21st century where computers are used to make jobs easier and faster, many of the staffs has not the knowledge to operate and techniques to work in such fields.

vInadequate training of employee

vInadequate safety kits and training

All of which sum up a great deal of let down in production and improvement in strategies of work. Without taken a good look into these problems, the Nigerian economy will grow.


The purpose of the study hovers around identifying all or some of the problems associated with information technology and communication in Solive oil manufacturing industry as to the growth of Nigeria’s economy, and seeking ways to change this problems so as to improve the country’s economy, since ITC adoption is one of the key factors fueling economic and community development both in the urban and rural areas of the country.


To improve on the poor situation of the Nigerian economy using Solive oil as a case study, one needs to ask oneself several questions some of which are:

ØWhat is meant by economy of a country?

ØWhat is the significance of a good economy?

ØHow can one affect an economy positively?

ØWhat is information communication and technology?


What is meant be economy of a country?

The economy of a country is meant by the relationship between production, trade and the supply of money on a particular country.

What is the significance of a good economy?

The significance of a good economy is that there would be a better life in the aspect of low cost of living.

How can one affect an economy positively?

An economy can be affected positively if one can detect the cause of its economic problems. Most economic problems or a better economy is mostly affected by its small scale business sector.  

What is information communication and Technology?

Information communication and Technology is defined in the document “Interactive Education: An Information and Communication Technologies Strategy for Schools” Ministry of Education, 1998) as: “Information Technology (IT) is the term used to describe the items of equipment (hard ware) and computer programs (software) that allows us to access, retrieve, store, organize, manipulate and present information by electronic means.

Communication Technology (IT) is the term used to describe telecommunications equipment through which information can be sought and accessed.


Nigeria has probably taken care of the greatest political hurdle facing it since independence by putting in place a democratically elected government. However, the time is now ripe to shift emphasis onto something equally important. To bring lasting peace, economic freedom and prosperity to its people.

Nigeria needs a change of direction. The forces of change outside Nigeria are drawing the need for change within it. Therefore to maintain itself on a pace with the test of the world and to be able to compete successfully in the fast moving world economy, Nigeria has to radically reform itself.


The range of the study includes all aspects of economic production down to the educational sector, industrial sector, agriculture, geography, commerce and industry and other aspects including the development of the rural and improvement on urban areas of the country.

The range of study needed to be wide because unlike UK and US, Nigeria is far behind.


The project work was limited greatly by the following factors:

üTime Constraint: The time available to carryout this cumbersome project was short as a result of a perfect work was hundred but the result and achievement of the work was commendable. 

üFinancial constraint: To carryout a project this type, money is required, which was found difficult to raise at some point of the research work.

üInadequacy of information: The management of Solive Oil Manufacturing company were not cooperative, thereby making the gathering of information on the company difficult.




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