The Impact of Oil Spillage on the Built Environment
Abstract of The Impact of Oil Spillage on the Built Environment
Prospecting for oil in Nigeria started as far back as 1930s. Due to the economic reward from petroleum oil a lot of companies are scattered all over the Delta region of river Niger in quest of oil deposits. The act of oil prospecting and production cannot continue without immense benefits to numerous parties as well as causing hazards and occasional damages to other parties. It is the light of this realization that this project investigated and identified the various effects and the implications of locating and removing the extractive mineral (oil) from their resting beds. Hence, the main objectives of this project examined the various operation of oil mining through the eye of town planner, as they affect man and his immediate environment. The various objectives are to investigate the effect of the pollution generated by oil mining on the built environment and to examine the effect of oil mining on the living condition of the people. The scope of the study was limited to SAPELE but for the benefit of the study, reference was made to other parts of the Delta findings was based on the data analyzed. Based on the data analyzed, recommendation was made to correct the impact of oil mining on the built environment.