
Women in Politics (a Review of Common and Islamic Law Provision)

Women in Politics (a Review of Common and Islamic Law Provision)


Women in Politics (a Review of Common and Islamic Law Provision)


Abstract of Women in Politics (a Review of Common and Islamic Law Provision)

Issue of gender equality (men and women) are equal in all ranks, which also includes politics, which is aimed at women rather than men, these debates degenerate and disintegrate into discordant posturing, grandstanding, sweeping, generalizations and misrepresentation. I do not intend to throw my hat into the ring. I only wish to add my voiced to the discourse. Before women participation in politics remained a contentious but neglected area in dedicated academic discourse or forum such as the instant one. This, thus long essay is but an attempt to shed light on some darkened areas with the hoe that the eager picture will be clearer and with the realization that Islam, rather than dehumanize, it actually enhanced the status of women.


In this long essay, an attempt is made to analyze and examine the divergent views and arguments of both proponents and opponents of women participation in politics. On the other hand, women in politics, although with a caveat, that should not be at the expense of the family and dewomanizing the women. This long essay further seeks to address the need of open mindness and accommodation there on from both sides of the divide.