
Analysis of Factors Responsible for Low Productivity in the Civil Service

 Analysis of Factors Responsible for Low Productivity in the Civil Service


Analysis of Factors Responsible for Low Productivity in the Civil Service


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Chapter one on Analysis of Factors Responsible for Low Productivity in the Civil Service



The historical background of the civil service date back to the end of colonial masters and post independence period.  After the second World War there were about 14  British administration in the recitation to Nigerians supported staff and one European Stenothern.  The headquarter of the mot technical departments was in Ebutometa that of reterinary service was in vow.  While that of agriculture and forestry was co-ordination from two centres Kaduna for the North and Lagos later Enugu for the South.  In 1939 Southern Nigeria was split into two regions.  The Richard constitution in 1946 further divided the country into the regions namely the Northern and Eastern regions.  The Mcpherson Constition of 1951 introduced the departments of ministers for the regions and at the centre.  It also suggest the independence of the civil service between political in the office and authorities of the central government.

During Lord Luggard era the duties of administration officers was just maintaining of law and order in the district placed under their immediate administration control.  It was only at the end of the World War II, that efforts were made to achieved some social and economic benefit for Nigerians. It was at that time that such office like the department of marketing and export were established. In the Western Nigeria civil servants were told that policy making was the exclusive function of the legislature. So the civil servants were to do whatever the legislature wanted them to do. In the Eastern state civil servants were to give sound advice to the political leaders, control the traditional aspects of the  government activities and were also to be official executive who would manage and treat all the complex operations of the modern state.

It was also English language that was used as a medium of communication in the conduct of the government.  The country sought civil war six (60 years after independence and this was quickly followed by another six (6) years of oil boom which brought about extreme materialism.  This games used to great indiscipline, corruption and a total contemplation of order within the whole society including the civil service. Having discussed the historical background of the civil service and its roles before and after independence. It is necessary at this stage to define “productivity which is the main objective of this research.

Productivity has been defined as the volume of goods and services produced per worker within some specified unit of the year, month, week, day and hour.  For some years now there has been consistent public outcry about continued decline of productivity in the civil service. It is for this reason that this work is been carried out in the view of find the causes and thereby bring about commendation that will promote productivity in the civil service in general to achieve a successful result in the programme.  The researcher has decided to carryout a case study of Enugu State Civil Service Commission.


There has been consistent low productivity in the civil service since Nigeria became independence.  This study is set out to assess the knowledge of job motivation and use of official work hours in the civil service in order to promote productivity.


The purpose of this study is large extent is to explain the titles promoting productivity in the civil service. To be more specific the purpose are as follows:

i. To identify the things that makes civil servants to perform below standard.

ii. To find out the main causes of productivity decline in the civil service commission.

iii.  To determine the measures to be taken in order to arrest the situation.


The research questions are as follows;

1. What are the things that cause civil servants to perform below standard.

ii. What are the main causes of productivity decline in the civil service commission.

iii. What are the measures that will be taken in order to secure the situation?


In seeking of promoting productivity in Enugu State Civil Service Commission. It is essential for one to have a true understanding of low productivity in civil service. It is when this knowledge is there that suggestions an be made to solve the problems of the following research hypothesis as being considered.

H0: Recruitment of qualified personnel does not ensure high performance in civil service.

H1: Recruitment of qualified personnel ensure high performance in civil service.

H0: Incentive and motivation does not promote productivityin civil service.

H2: Incentive and motivation promote productivity in civil service.

H0: The use of official working hours does not promote productivity in the civil service.

H3: The use of official working hours promote productivity in the civil service.


The most significance of this study is to promote productivity in Enugu State Civil service Commission. If this productivity is promoted the following people will benefit from it.

1. The civil servants of the commission will benefit in the sense that the workers will enjoy good salary and allowance.

2.  The government will also benefit from the promotion, in this case government will no more be faced with the problem of complains that comes from the civil servants of the commission.


For one to carryout with a research of this nature one would always require adequate provision of finance and accurate information.  The inadequate of these factors affect this research in the following:Finance: This has been the major problem in any type of project.  This is true in the sense that one has to make some trips from one place to another in search of information. Unfortunately the cost of transportation made it difficult for the researcher to level all the place be would have wanted.


In the course of this work, some key words and phrase, which are very vital has been explained below for better under standing.

Productivity: This is the ratio between out put an all resources used in production.

Low Productivity: Inadequate productivity or mainly low level of production.

Where withal: Things required or needed for a purpose.Laxity; Careless or not strict in discipline or moral.

Technology: Mastery and utilization of manufacturing methods and industrial arts.

Public Sector: There are of the economy concerned with the government.

Geometrical Rate: Series of numbers with a constant ratio between a successful quantities of the number which increase by a common multipler or decrease by a common division.

Economy: system for the management and use of resources.

Production: Etiquette applying to real or status, correct production.

Remuneration: Pay or reward for the service rendered.Motivation: Cause or reason for the action of a person.  Reflection of a persons desire to fulfill certain needs.



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