Solid Waste Separation and Utilization
Abstract of Solid Waste Separation and Utilization
This project was done to bring to lime light the appropriate method of solid waste handling, separation and utilization, in order to reduce the impact on the environment – environmental degradation. In this work, effort was made to point out the required steps taken in solid waste management.
Segregation at the source was done to get either the vegetable waste separated from the plastic waste; metallic waste from plastic waste. Segregation at the source was carried out to avert difficulties associated with waste (solid) handling, separation and in general the management of waste.
More still, the biodegradable more further treated as in composting; and non biodegradable treated as in recycling of metals (Aluminium) or plastics; all geared towards ensuring that wastes (litters) were not towering to an outrageous extent, such that the stench would not upset public health. The waste can be incinerated or burnt as in combustion.
There are various use to which the solid wastes are put; use as manure to increase and supplement the soil nutrient requirement; the gas (methane) effusing from the compost could be tapped and sold on a domestic gas; while combustion facilities burn municipal solid waste at a high temperature reducing waste volume and generating electricity.
Chapter One of Solid Waste Separation and Utilization
Solid waste is among those used items, which found no use at the material time. Humankind has been generating waste over the years, but recently, with progress of civilization, the waste generated became of a more complex nature.
As such the need to separate and utilize them became paramount than ever; the attendant utility derivable from the separated and proceed waste should not but be overemphasized.
This we research on the various methods of separation and utilization of solid waste in chapter two alongside with the accompanying chemical treatment of the sludge, while in chapter three effort will be made to design a concept that can separate, process and utilize the waste generated in our locality together with the calculation of the capacity of a waste bin, and that of the waste generation of an area. Finally, chapter four in the discussion of what got done in the proceeding chapter followed by conclusion and appendix (map of Enugu Urban).