
Available Chinese Government Scholarship 2023 (Apply Now)

Chinese Government Scholarship

The Chinese government scholarship for 2022-2023 has begun, and this is an excellent opportunity for scholars looking forward to starting their studies on scholarship.


With this guide, you’ll learn how to apply for the Chinese Government scholarship right from the comfort of your home. We’ll also cover other vital information about the Chinese government scholarship such as the benefit of the scholarship, requirements for the Chinese government scholarship, and the application process for the scholarship.

With all that said, let us dive into the main topic of discussion. At the end of this guide, you should able to apply for the Chinese Government Scholarship without any issues.

The Chinese Government scholarship is another great and prestigious scholarship fully funded by the Chinese government to support scholars from all over the world to study on a scholarship.


The scholarship is designed to support students who want to start their undergraduate, master’s, and Ph.D. studies in China. This is why the government of China made the scholarship available in over 280 Chinese Universities. 

Once you become a beneficiary, you’ll enjoy all the package that comes with the scholarship. The scholarship covers accommodation, basic health insurance, and a monthly allowance of up to 3500 Yuan.

With the Chinese government scholarship, the government of China intends to promote Chinese education, culture, trade, exchanges in education and politics, cooperation, and mutual understanding between other countries and China. 

This prestigious Scholarship is available to all international students from all over the world who wish to study in China on scholarship.

To get the opportunity of becoming a beneficiary of the Chinese government scholarship, you’ll need to submit an online application at the Chinese government scholarship portal. Once your application has been submitted, you need to select the university you’re studying with and send all the required documents to the university alongside your Chinese government application form (CGAF).

With that said, let us look at the eligibility requirement for the Chinese Government Scholarship.

What Is The Eligibility Requirement For The Chinese Government Scholarship 2023? 

The Chinese government scholarship is open to all international students from around the world. Despite that, there are some requirements one must meet before one can become a beneficiary of the prestigious scholarship.

Below is the minimum requirement you must meet before you can become eligible for the Chinese Government Scholarship:

  • You must be an international student without any Chinese citizenship
  • You must not be enjoying another scholarship issued by the Chinese government or any delegation

Age Requirement

  • Undergraduate students must not be more than 25 years old,
  • For a master’s degree, the age limit is 35 years
  • For a Ph.D. degree, the age limit is 40 years

Qualification Requirement

  • Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent for undergraduate students,
  • Bachelor’s Degree for the master’s degree
  • Master’s degree for the doctoral degree.

What Are The Benefits Of The Chinese Government Scholarship?

The Chinese Government Scholarship comes with different amazing benefits which we’re going to highlight soon. Once you’re given the scholarship, you should be able to enjoy these benefits. The scholarship comes in three different categories which are type A, B, and C. All these categories have different benefits.

Below are some major benefits of the Chinese Government scholarship:

Type A Chinese Government scholarship 

The Type A scholarship covers different things such as registration fees and accommodation. This accommodation will be available in the university as a shared residency. What this means is that you’ll be staying with a roommate.

The Type A scholarship also covers other basic things such as medical insurance and a monthly allowance for personal expenses (between 2,500 and 3,500 Yuan per month, approximately 350 and 500 USD respectively).

Type B Chinese Government scholarship 

The Type B scholarship covers almost the same thing as the Type A scholarship. The only difference is that the Type B scholarship does not cover a monthly allowance for personal expenses.

Type C Chinese Government scholarship 

The Type C scholarship is another type of partial scholarship with few benefits.

When you compare all of the categories mentioned above, you’ll get to realize that the Type A CSC scholarship is more attractive, therefore it is more competitive due to the high demand. If you can afford living expenses, you should apply for a Type B or Type C CSC scholarship because it will be easier to obtain.

How Can I Apply For the Chinese Government Scholarship? (Apply For CGS)

To apply for the Chinese Government Scholarship (CGS) you’ll need to follow these simple steps below:

  • Confirm the application period in other to know the right time to apply for the Chinese Government Scholarship. The scholarship is generally starting from January to April every calendar year. But this doesn’t mean that some university does not have their own deadline. This is why it is advisable that you confirm the deadline for the universities of your choice.
  • To start the scholarship application, you must visit to complete your online application in English or Chinese.
  • Once you have selected your preferred language, you can then apply to a maximum of 3 universities using your Chinese government scholarship account.
  • If you’ve chosen your preferred universities, you’ll need to indicate your preferred scholarship category either A, B, or C, and the number of the authorized agencies or universities (This code can be found on the internet or will be provided by the university, you have selected).
  • Upon the completion of the online application.
  • for the Chinese government scholarship, you’ll be asked to present a pdf format document which will be attached to your application.
  • Make sure you select the Chinese University and course you intend to study by visiting
  • Once the course has been selected, you’ll need to confirm if the university of your choice requires an online application for admission along with a Chinese government scholarship application or not.
  • If your preferred university requires you to complete an online application for the scholarship, then make sure you submit the application on the official website of the university and attach your Chinese government scholarship application together.
  • makes sure you make extra copies of the documents. This will be dispatched to the university address.
  • Once you’ve followed all the steps highlighted in this guide, you can then wait for the result which will be released by Mid-July. From that moment, the entities begin to distribute by post the necessary documentation to process the study visa in the country of origin of the candidates.

What Are the Documents Required For Chinese Government Scholarship?

There are some documents required for your application to be considered for the Chinese Government Scholarship.

Below are the documents:

  • Notary attested highest degree and transcript.
  • Official medical form or Foreigner Physical Examination Form.
  • CV is written in English or Chinese
  • Two letters of recommendation written in English or in Chinese from your last university professors.
  • TOEFL or IELTS Diploma if you are going to study in English
  • Study Plan / Research Proposal.
  • Passport Copy.
  • Acceptance letter issued by professors of a Chinese university 
  • pre-admission letter
  • research publications or any other distinction


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