Prof. Jay Zweier Profile Page ID = 352

Prof. Jay Zweier Profile Page

Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine

Professor, SBS-Physiology and Cell Biology
Professor, SBS-Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacology
Professor, Radiology

Biomedical Research Tower
460 W. 12th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210

[email protected]


MD: University of Maryland, George, 1980
BA: Brandeis University, 1976

Professional Activities

  • NHLBI PPG Review Committee, 2011 – present
  • Reviewer NRCC Scientific Conference Review Committee, 2010 – present
  • NIH Reviewers Reserve, 2010 – present
  • Present Ad Hoc BMIT Study Section, 2010 – present
  • Reviewer for the Veterans Admin. Cardiovascular Study Section, 2010 – present

Chapters in Books

Kuppusamy P, Chzhan M, Zweier JL. “Principles of Imaging.” In Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXIV. Edited by edited by Dunn and Swartz. -. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, January 2003

Zweier JL, He G, Samouilov A, Kuppusamy P. “Cardiac Applications of In Vivo EPR Spectroscopy and Imaging.” In Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXIV. Edited by edited by Dunn and Swartz. -. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, January 2003

Zweier JL, Villamena FA. “Chemistry of free radicals in biological systems.” In Oxidative Stress and Cardiac Failure. Edited by edited by Kukin ML, Fuster V. -. New York: Futura Publishing, Armonk, January 2003

Xia Y, Zweier JL. “Superoxide anion release from inducible nitric oxide synthase.” In Nitric Oxide and Inflammation. Edited by edited by Salvemini D, Billiar T, & Vodovotz Y. -. Switzerland: Birkhauser Verlag Basel, January 2001

deSouza H, Zweier JL. “Free radicals as mediators of inflammation in atherosclerosis.” In Inflammatory and Infectious Basis of Atherosclerosis. Edited by edited by Jay L. Mehta. -. Switzerland: Birkhauser Verlag Basel, January 2001

Zweier JL. “Mechanism of Leukocyte Accumulation in Postischemic Tissues:Role of Oxygen Free Radicals.” In The Neutrophils: New Outlook for the Old Cells. Edited by edited by D. Gabrilovich. -. London: Imperial College Press, January 1998

Zweier JL, Kuppusamy P. “Principles of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Measurement of Free Radicals In Biological Tissues.” In Nitric Oxide in Transplant Rejection and Anti-tumor Defense. Edited by edited by Lukiewicz & Zweier. -. MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, January 1998

Zweier JL, Samouilov A, Kuppusamy P. “Independent Formation of Nitric Oxide In Tissues.” In Nitric Oxide in Transplant Rejection and Anti-tumor Defense. Edited by edited by Lukiewicz & Zweier. -. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, January 1998

Kuppusamy P, Zweier JL. “EPR Imaging of Free Radicals in Biological Systems.” In Nitric Oxide in Transplant Rejection and Anti-tumor Defense. Edited by edited by Lukiewicz & Zweier. -. MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, January 1998

Zweier JL, Kuppusamy P. “EPR Imaging of the Rat Heart.” In Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance: Methods and Applications in Materials Science, Agriculture, and Biomedicine. Edited by edited by B Blumich, P Blumler, R Botto, E Fukushima. -. Weinheim: VCH, January 1998

Xu KY, Zweier JL, Becker LC. “Oxygen-free Radicals Directly Attack the ATP Binding Site of the Cardiac Na+,K+-ATPase.” In Annals New York Academy of Sciences. -. New York: Annals New York Academy of Sciences, January 1997

Kuppusamy P, Zweier JL. “Study of Free Radical Generation in Isolated Cells and Whole Tissues Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.” In Cellular Membrane: A Key to Disease Processes. -. edited by Ohnishi/Ohnishi: Chapter 10, CRC Press, Inc, January 1992

Zweier JL. “The Role of Iron in Myocardial Reperfusion Injury.” In Iron and Human Disease. -. edited by R.B. Lauffer: CRC Press, Inc, January 1991

Kensler T, Dolan P, Egner P, Lesko S, Swauger J, Zweier J, Akman S. “Free Radical Metabolism and DNA Damage by Organic Peroxide Tumor Promoters.” In Eicosanoids and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation and Radiation Injury. -. edited by S Nigam, KV Honn, LJ Marnett, TL Walden,Jr: Chapter 80, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, January 1991

Zweier JL, Kuppusamy P, Shandelya SML, Thompson-Gorman S, Weisman HF, Fearon DT, Weisfeldt ML. “Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Measurements of Free Radical Generation in Isolated Cells and Whole Tissues..” In Molecular Basis of Oxidative Damage by Leukocytes. Edited by edited by Jesaitis/Dratz. -. edited by Jesaitis/Dratz: CRC Press, Inc, January 1991

Weisfeldt ML, Zweier JL, Becker LC, Ambrosio G, Flaherty JT. “New Aspects of Drug Therapy: Free Radical Scavengers..” In Limitation of Infarct Size. 75-82. Springer Verlag: Schmutler H, Rutsch W, Doughtery FC, January 1989

Zweier JL, Flaherty JT. “The Role of Free Radicals in the Pathogenesis of Postischemic Reperfusion Injury, in Early Interventions..” In Acute Myocardial Infarction. -. edited by E. Rapaport: Kluwer Academic Publishers, January 1989

Taffe BG, Zweier JL, Kensler TW. “Tumor promotion by butylated hydroxytoluene hyperoxide. In: Pharmacological effects of lipids..” In Role of lipid in carcinogenesis and therapy.. 293-302. IL: American Oil Chemists Society, Champaign, January 1989

Weisfeldt ML, Zweier JL, Flaherty JT. “Oxygen-Derived Radicals and Myocardial Ischemic Injury..” In Heart Disease: Clinical Update (3). -. edited by Braunwald E: W.B. Saunders & Co, January 1988

Weisfeldt ML, Zweier JL, Ambrosio G, Becker LC, Flaherty JT. “Evidence that free radicals result in reperfusion injury in heart muscle..” In Oxygen Radicals in Biology and Medicine. Edited by edited by Simic ME, Taylor KA, Ward JF, Von Sonntag C. -. New York: Plenum, January 1988

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