Dr. Laura Kresty Profile Page
Dr. Kresty is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin Division of Hematology and Oncology, specializing in Cancer Prevention. Dr. Kresty received her PhD in Public Health from The Ohio State University in 2000 with a major in Cancer Chemoprevention and Epidemiology and minor in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Dr. Kresty remained at The Ohio State University to complete a NCI-Sponsored Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular Oncology, followed by a faculty appointment in Internal Medicine. In 2008 Dr. Kresty joined the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Sylvester Cancer where she continued her research focused on the inhibition of esophageal adenocarcinoma and head and neck cancers. Dr. Kresty also served as Director for the Doctorate in Epidemiology Program and was a Cancer Biology Steering Committee Member at the University of Miami. Dr. Kresty joined the Medical College of Wisconsin in January 2013 where she will continue research focused on the molecular biology, etiology, and inhibition of cancers of the esophagus and head and neck.
Dr. Kresty serves as a peer reviewer for multiple journals in her field, has over 40 peer-reviewed research articles and book chapters, has delivered more than 35 invited talks throughout the world and frequently serves on NIH/NCI review and special emphasis panels. Her ongoing research focus is on evaluating the cancer inhibitory potential of cranberry constituents, a novel HDAC inhibitor, vitamin D and investigating energy excess as it relates to esophageal adenocarcinoma risk. Her laboratory is also collaborating on investigations focused on novel imaging technologies to detect early epithelial and sub-epithelial esophageal changes for more rapid evaluation of chemopreventive agents.